Bio-fuel is a generic term that refers to fuel derived from biomass, such as plants and
organic wastes. Recently animal fat, waste stream of vegetative oil, used
cooking oil and agriculture residues are also being used to derive bio-fuel.
Bio-fuel is made from the trans-esterificaton of vegetable oils and also
called as methyl ester of vegetable oil or fatly acid methyl ester.
The trans-esterification process removes and breaks larger and more viscous vegetable
oil molecules that do not combust will in modern diesel engines.
India is one of the countries, with high usage of traditional fuels like coals, petroleum etc.
About 85 % of the nation's demand of oil products is being imported, so the foreign exchange
collection is being spent in large amounts and this is fatal to the nation's financial progress
and stable development. Domestically, there are limitations for the use of solar energy and wind
energy as alternatives for petroleum products. In this regard, Bio-fuels are a ray of hope to reduce
the quantity of fuel
import by using them as alternatives for traditional fuels like petroleum.
• The key to the future of Biodiesel is exploring inexpensive feed stocks that can
be grown by farmers on marginal agricultural. It is also crucial that supplies of
alternative, non edible vegetable oils be ensured for sustainable production of biodiesel.
Jatropha is one of many plants that hold a great deal of promise. The jatropha curcus does not
compete with food crops for good agricultural land or result in the destruction of rainforest
like Palm. Jatropha is grown on non-essential land or on land of lesser agricultural value with
lower irrigation requirements
than many other oil bearing plants and is an excellent biodiesel feedstock.
• It can also be planted with crops with higher water and nutrient requirements.
Rather than compete with food crops for scarce arable land, Jatropha can be intercropped
with medicinal plants and various fruits and vegetables, giving farmers the opportunity
to earn additional income. In optimum sub-tropical conditions, Jatropha seeds can yield up
to 35-40% oil content. Processing Jatropha seeds into biodiesel produces valuable by-products.
Residual seedcake is produced when the seeds are crushed to extract the oil and can be used as
organic fertilizer, briquettes for power generation or methane production in anaerobic digesters.
Glycerin, which is in demand for use by the
cosmetics and pharma industry, is also produced when the oil is converted into Biodiesel.
Blending of Bio-fuel in mineral diesel has following benefits
• Reduction in dependency on huge oil imports.
• Reduction of greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide, SOx, Nox, etc.) emissions and reduction of diesel oil consumption.
• Creation of job opportunities for local people by construction and operation of bio-fuel plant & production of
Jatropha thus increase in income local tribes.
• Development of local area by development of Jatropha farmlands and incidental infrastructure such as roads etc.
• Acquisition and dissemination of know-how and skills from local university agricultural departments & related agencies to locals regarding plantation of Jatropha;
• In view of strong prospects of production of Bio Fuel on culturable wasteland as well as
on degraded forest land of Rajasthan through Jatropha and other such tree borne oil seeds, Bio-Fuel
Mission was constituted on 04-09-2005 under the Chairmanship of
Hon’ble Chief Minister and later constituted the Bio Fuel Authority.
• For implementation of the objectives of development of Jatropha, Karanj & other oil seed’s
cultivation, research, processing, marketing & development of other basic infrastructure, the State
Government declared the Bio Fuel Policy in the year 2006 and constituted the a separate agency namly Bio Fuel Authority under
administartive control of Rural Dev. & Panchayati Raj department in the year 2007.
• Rajasthan is one of the fastest developing states in the country and
have privileged to become first state to develop Bio-fuel Policy in the year 2006.
• 12 districts of Rajasthan namely Baran, Banswara, Bhilwara, Bundi, Chittorgarh,
Dungarpur, Jhalawar, Kota, Rajsamand, Sirohi,
Udaipur & Pratapgarh are found suitable for plantation of Jatropha.
Rajasthan Wasteland Development Board was constituted in 2009 to decide the policy & strategies for
development of wasteland through soil & water conservation, Agro-forestry, Pasture development &
bio-fuel activities under the chairmanship of Hon'ble Rural Dev. & Panchayti Raj Minister. Hon'ble Agriculture, Revenue,
Forest & Cooperative ministers and chief secretary are among the members of the board.